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Market Research Methods for Small Businesses

Market Research for Small Businesses

Whether you’re starting a small business from home or you’re launching a corporation, market research is an essential part of making sure your business venture is ready for the real world. Read on for our essential market research tips for small businesses.

Whether you’re just getting started with your company or you’re a time-tested veteran, solid market research is at the heart of any successful business venture. In order to construct a strong business plan (and be sure not to forget about our free business plan templates!), as well as to keep a company thriving, market research should be carried out when you’re getting started, launching new products, services, or campaigns, and generally whenever you need to determine the next move for your enterprise.

The foundation of good market research is asking carefully thought-out questions to the right people. Companies can either hire a third party to conduct their market research or do it themselves. Here, we’ll run down basic market research methods for small businesses and points to keep in mind to ensure that you get the most from your hard work.


Analytics and Statistics

Make sure to make good use of the statistics and analytics available to your company for free. Collecting basic statistic information on market shares in your industry, the median income of your chosen marketing personas, and more, gives you a useful bird’s-eye-view of the climate surrounding your business venture. Google Analytics is indispensable for your company’s website, as are social media analytics.


These can be conducted in-person or face-to-face, but you should arrive knowing specifically what you want to find out from the customer and have questions prepared that will help you reach a conclusion. During your interview and after establishing your baseline with the participant (overview questions about their day to day life), you’ll bring your participant through three notable stages in the conversation about the goods and/or services that your company offers.

Afterwards, it’s always a good idea to leave the floor open to your participant for them to ask you questions: it can be surprising what informations participants can bring to the table simply through what they’re curious about regarding the goods and services your company offers. Of course, be sure to thank your participant for sharing their time and knowledge, and be sure to end the interaction with your interviewees on a positive note.

Surveys and Questionnaires

Sending these out via email or having them available on your website can be helpful in several contexts. Short, one- or two-question long surveys on your site can help customers to communicate their preferences or to gauge their interest in a new product or service. Longer questionnaires are also helpful for gathering more general market research, such as when you are launching your company or if you plan to roll out a new service: what are your customers looking for? What matters most to them?

Focus Groups

Using focus groups is helpful in many contexts, but especially when rolling out new products and advertising campaigns. Select a group that corresponds to your marketing personas and who you consider to be your ideal customer, and make sure to listen attentively and openly to the insight they offer you during the study.

Widen the Scope

Conducting market research is time- and labour-intensive, but it’s the only reliable way to make sure that you understand the state of your market as well as the mindset of your most important customer archetypes before your business makes its move, whether that be launching the enterprise or simply rolling out a new product. The goal of solid market research should be understanding consumer behaviour and knowing your competition: by cross-referencing your marketing personas’ experiences and priorities with the offer available from your competitors, you’re in a better position to decipher where there is a market niche waiting to be filled. Through combining good customer service and good customer understanding, you can feel even more confident that your company is heading in the right direction. Don’t forget to work your market research into your business plan template Excel, either: attracting investors is that much easier when you can show that you’ve done your homework, and can justify how your business plan will work with real-world clients.

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